Sunday, May 18, 2008

Clean and Organized Mailing Lists

This may seem like common knowledge to some, but I can't tell you how many times a client comes to me without a clean and well organized mailing list. If they do have something it's a barrage of spammed email addresses, clumped together, without an understanding of who's included on the list or what they want to communicate to them. Some have nothing at all.

It is absolutely important to build strong mailing lists (yes plural, I'll get to that) in order to maintain relationships to those industry people you've meet at networking events, fans who've attended your shows and family/friends that will support you no matter what. It is just as important to use them properly.

Here are a few tips that will improve how you communicate about your music career.

1. DO NOT SPAM. I know you've heard it before, but it can be detrimental to your reputation and snatching email addresses of unknown people is really just a waste of time.

2. Take time with your message. Be sure it's clear, easy to read, to the point with proper spelling and grammar.

3. Divide your mailing lists into different audiences, here are a few off the top of my head but you can customize your audiences as you see fit: industry, fans, press, friends/family and radio.

4. When a news-worthy event takes place (not just any event, don't waste people's time), new song, new video, upcoming show, award, etc. draft a basic message and customize it for each audience. For example, for a new song be sure to include a link for people to buy it for your fans and friends/family audiences, a link to download the mp3 to radio audience, and just a press release to press.

5. Maintain your list. When an email bounces or you get a message back of new contact information, be sure to update your list.

6. Safe guard your list and ALWAYS BCC messages or use a service like Constant Contact or Topica.

All this will take time but is so worth it.

I welcome your comments.


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