You've heard the expression before "a picture is worth a thousand words." True. So I ask, what does your picture say about you? Whether this is an album cover, a publicity photo or just an image you've posted on MySpace, each visual says something about you and your work. I urge all my clients to ask themselves "what does this photo say about me/us/it?" and sometimes more importantly "what doesn't it say?"
These should be an intention in EVERYTHING public about you as an artist, if there isn't start now, control your brand and start with your photos.
Here are suggestions I give to my clients:
1. All of your photos that are in the public domain should be of good quality.
2. Photos should have an intention behind them. An attitude. They should tell a story or promote an image in order to sell your music to your fanbase (if you haven't identified your fanbase yet, we'll cover that next week).
3. In other words, anyone can stand in front of a camera, get dolled up and look ok, but as an artist there better be something behind your eyes or you're dead in the water.
4. MySpace Images: When you are a professional MySpace (or any social networking profile) is not a place to upload numerous, random photos of yourself. Be sure that any and everything you post is selling something about yourself.
5. Most of the time great photos cost a little bit more BUT they are worth every penny so find a photographer you vibe with, who understands lighting and can pull a great shot out of you. If you do not start with a great, high resolution photo, none of your artwork will look good.
6. So now you've found the right photographer, now it's time to do your part. Arrive at your shoot prepared to give it 100%, you need to get to work and give it everything you've got. I often have my clients look through magazines before a shoot so they can start to identify a "good" photo from a "not so good" photo. Then I suggest they get to know their angles by practicing in the mirror. Most of them hate this, but I have to works.
7. Try something new. This is a personal gripe of most "hip hop look the same or is it me? I urge everyone to try something new (please).
If you are searching for a good photographer, I work with some of the best and am happy to make a recommendation.
I welcome your comments.
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